

姓 名:张宏飞




电子信箱: hfzhang@cug.edu.cn








男,教授,博士生导师。1962年11月出生, 1983年7月本科毕业于武汉地质学院地质系,1986年和1992年分别获中国地质大学地球化学理学硕士和博士学位。湖北省中青年专家,国务院津贴获得者,现为中国地质大学best365英国体育在线地球化学系教师,并为“地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室”固定研究人员。近年来,负责并完成了国家自然科学基金重点项目1个和国家自然科学基金面上项目5个,同时参与完成了多个国家其他部委项目的研究,长期从事于花岗岩类与地壳演化的地球化学研究。在国内外核心期刊上发表第一作者论文60多篇,其中国际SCI论文20多篇。


XuW.-C., Zhang H.-F., Nigel Harris, Guo L., Pan F.-B.,

Pan F.-B., Zhang H.-F*, Xu W.-C., Guo L., Wang S., Luo B-J, U–Pb zircon chronology, geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic composition of Mesozoic–Cenozoic granitoids in the SE Lhasa terrane: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Lithos, 2014, 195: 142-157

Pan F.-B, Zhang H.-F.*, Harris N, Xu W.-C, Guo L.. Oligocene magmatism in the eastern margin of the east Himalayan syntaxis and its implication for the India–Asia post-collisional process. Lithos, 2012, 154:181-192

Xu W.-C, Zhang H.-F.*, Harris N, Guo L, Pan F.-B.,. Rapid Eocene erosion, sedimentation and burial in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and its geodynamic significance. Gondwana Research, 2012, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2012.05.011

Luo B.-J, Zhang H.-F.*, Lv X.-B.. U–Pb zircon dating, geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositions of Early Indosinian intrusive rocks in West Qinling, central China: petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2012, 16(4): 551-569

Guo L, Zhang H.-F.*, Harris N, Parrish R, Xu W.-C, Shi Z.-L. Paleogene crustal anatexis and metamorphism in Lhasa terrane, eastern Himalayan syntaxis: Evidence from U–Pb zircon ages and Hf isotopic compositions of the Nyingchi Complex. Gondwana Research, 2012, 21(1): 100-111

Guo L, Zhang H.-F.*, Harris N, Pan FB, Xu Wang-Chun. Origin and evolution of multi-stage felsic melts in eastern Gangdese belt: Constraints from U–Pb zircon dating and Hf isotopic composition. Lithos, 2011, 127(1-2): 54-67

Guo Liang, Zhang Hong-Fei*, Harris Nigel, Pan Fa-Bin, Xu Wang-Chun, Late Cretaceous (~81 Ma) high-temperature metamorphism in the southeastern Lhasa terrane: Implication for the Neo-Tethys ocean ridge subduction. Tectonophysics, 2013, 608(0): 112-126

Zhang H.-F.*, Harris N., Guo L., Xu W. The significance of Cenozoic magmatism from the western margin of the eastern syntaxis, southeast Tibet. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2010, 160:83-98

Xu WC, Zhang H.-F.*, Parrish R, Harris N., Guo L, Yuan HL. Timing of granulite-facies metamorphism in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and its tectonic implication. Tectonophysics, 2010, 485: 231-244

Xu W.-C., Zhang H.-F.* , Guo L., Yuan H.-L. Miocene high Sr/Y magmatism, south Tibet: product of partial melting of subducted Indian continental crust and its tectonic implication. Lithos, 2010, 114:293-306

Zhang, H.-F., Parrish, R., Zhang, L., Xu, W.-C., Yuan, H.-L., Gao, S., Crowley, Q.-G., Reply to the comment by Zhang et al. on: “First finding of A-type and adakitic magmatism association in Songpan–Garze fold belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau: Implication for lithospheric delamination”, Lithos, 2008, 103: 565-568

Zhang, H.-F.*, Parrish, R., Zhang, L., Xu, W.-C., Yuan, H.-L., Gao, S., Crowley, Q.-G.. A-type granite and adakitic magmatism association in Songpan-Garze fold belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau: Implication for lithospheric delamination. Lithos, 2007, 97: 323–335.

Zhang, H.-F.*, Xiao, L., Zhang, L., Yuan, H.-L., Jin, L.-L. Geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of Indosinian granitoids from the Bikou block, northwest of the Yangtze plate: Constraints on petrogenesis, nature of deep crust and geodynamics. Science in China (Series D), 2007: 50, 972–983.

Zhang H.-F.*, Jin L.-L., Zhang L, Nigel H., Zhou L., Hu S.-H., Zhang B.-R. Geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of granitoids from western Qinling belt: Constrains on basement nature and tectonic affinity. Science in China (D), 2007, 50:184-196

Xu W.-C., Zhang H.-F.*, Liu X.-M. U-Pb zircon dating constraints on formation time of Qilian high-grade metamorphic rock and its tectonic implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52: 531-538

Zhang H.-F.*, Zhang L., Harris N., Jin L.-L., Yuan H.-L. U-Pb zircon ages, geochemical and isotopic compositions of granitoids in Songpan-Garze fold belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau: Constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic evolution of the basement. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2006, 152: 75-88

Zhang H.-F.*, Zhang B.-R., Harris, N., Zhang L, Chen Y.-L., Chen N.-S., Zhao Z.-D. U-Pb zircon SHRIMP ages, geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of intrusive rocks from the Longshan-Tianshui area in the southeast corner of the Qilian orogenic belt, China: Constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic affinity. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences, 2006, 27: 751-764

Zhang H.-F., Harris N.*, Parrish R., Kelley S., Zhang L., Rogers N., Argles T., King J. Causes and consequences of protracted melting of the mid-crust exposed in the North Himalayan antiform. Earth Planetary Sciences Letters, 2004, 228:195-212

Zhang H.-F.*, Zhong Z.Q., Gao S., Zhang B.-R., Zhang L., Hu S.-H., Hou Q.-Y. Pb and Nd isotopic composition of the Jigongshan granite: constraints on crustal structure of Tongbaishan in middle part of the Qinlin-Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt, Central China. Lithos, 2004, 73:215-227

Zhang H.-F.*, Gao S., Zhong Z.-Q., Zhang B.-R., Zhang L., Hu S.-H. Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of Cretaceous granitoids: constraints on tectonic framework and crustal structure of the Dabieshan ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt, China. Chemical Geology, 2002, 186:281-299