

姓 名:刘勇胜




电话: 027-67883003 (O)







微量元素地球化学 / Trace Element Geochemistry

地球化学 / Geochemistry


分析地球化学 (LA-ICP-MS分析技术)、岩石圈地球化学、壳幔物质相互作用与地球深部碳循环


















发表论文及论文引用情况 (Google scholar)(Researchgate)(*指导研究生完成)


*Yu K., Liu Y., Hu Q., Ducea M.N., Hu Z., Zong K., Chen H., 2017. Magma recharge and reactive bulk assimilation in the enclave-bearing granitoids, Tonglu, South China. Journal of Petrology, in revision.

*Hu Q., Yu K., Liu Y., Hu Z., Zong K., 2017. The 130-134 Ma A-type granites from northern Zhejiang Province, South China: implications for partial melting of the Neoproterozoic lower crust. Lithos, in press.

*Deng L., Liu Y.-S., Zong K.-Q., Zhu L.-Y., Xu R., Hu Z.-C., Gao S., 2017. Trace element and Sr isotope records of multi-episode carbonatite metasomatism on the eastern margin of the North China Craton. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18(1): 220-237.

*He D., Liu Y.-S., Gao C., Chen C., Hu Z., Gao S., 2017. SiC-dominated ultra-reduced mineral assemblage in carbonatitic xenoliths from the Dalihu basalt, Inner Mongolia, China. American Mineralogist, 102(2): 312-320.

*Lin J., Liu Y.-S., Tong X., Zhu L., Zhang W., Hu Z., 2017. Improved in situ Li isotopic ratio analysis of silicates by optimizing signal intensity, isotopic ratio stability and intensity matching using ns-LA-MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 32(4): 834-842.

*Wu D., Liu Y.-S., Chen C., Xu R., Ducea M.N., Hu Z., Zong K., 2017. In-situ trace element and Sr isotopic compositions of mantle xenoliths constrain two-stage metasomatism beneath the northern North China Craton. Lithos, 288: 338-351.

*Xu R., Liu Y.-S., Wang X.-H., Zong K.-Q., Hu Z.-C., Chen H.-H., Zhou L., 2017. Crust recycling induced compositional-temporal-spatial variations of Cenozoic basalts in the Trans-North China Orogen. Lithos, 274–275: 383-396.

*Chen C.-F., Liu Y.-S., Foley S.F., Ducea M.N., Geng X.-L., Zhang W., Xu R., Hu Z.-C., Zhou L., Wang Z.-C., 2017. Carbonated sediment recycling and its contribution to lithospheric refertilization under the northern North China Craton. Chemical Geology, 466: 641-653.

*Zhang H.-T., Liu Y.-S., Hu Z.-C., Zong K.-Q., Chen H.-H., Chen C.-F., 2017a. Low-δ13C carbonates in the Miocene basalt of the northern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for deep carbon recycling. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 144: 110-125.

Zhang J., Liu Y.-S., Ling W., Gao S., 2017b. Pressure-dependent compatibility of iron in garnet: Insights into the origin of ferropicritic melt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 197: 356-377.

Zhang S.-H., Zhao Y., Liu Y.-S., 2017c. A precise zircon Th-Pb age of carbonatite sills from the world’s largest Bayan Obo deposit: Implications for timing and genesis of REE-Nb mineralization. Precambrian Research, 291: 202-219.


*Chen C., Liu Y., Foley S.F., Ducea M.N., He D., Hu Z., Chen W., Zong K., 2016. Paleo-Asian oceanic slab under the North China craton revealed by carbonatites derived from subducted limestones. Geology, 44(12): 1039-1042.

*Lin J., Liu Y., Hu Z., Yang L., Chen K., Chen H., Zong K., Gao S., 2016a. Accurate determination of lithium isotope ratios by MC-ICP-MS without strict matrix-matching by using a novel washing method. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 31: 390 - 397.

*Lin J., Liu Y., Yang Y., Hu Z., 2016b. Calibration and correction of LA-ICP-MS and LA-MC-ICP-MS analyses for element contents and isotopic ratios. Solid Earth Sciences, 1(1): 5-27.

*Tong X.R., Liu Y.S., Hu Z.C., Chen H.H., Zhou L., Hu Q.H., Xu R., Deng L.X., Chen C.F., Yang L., Gao S., 2016. Accurate determination of Sr isotopic compositions in clinopyroxene and silicate glasses by LA-MC-ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 40(1): 85-99.

*Wang C.Y., Liu Y.S., Min N., Zong K.Q., Hu Z.C., Gao S., 2016. Paleo-Asian oceanic subduction-related modification of the lithospheric mantle under the North China Craton: Evidence from peridotite xenoliths in the Datong basalts. Lithos, 261: 109-127.

*Xu R., Liu Y., 2016. Al-in-olivine thermometry evidence for the mantle plume origin of the Emeishan large igneous province. Lithos, 266–267: 362-366.

*Zhu L., Liu Y., Ma T., Lin J., Hu Z., Wang C., 2016. In situ measurement of Os isotopic ratios in sulfides calibrated against ultra-fine particle standards using LA-MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 31(7): 1414-1422.

*蔺洁, 刘勇胜, 胡兆初, 陈康, 陈海红, 宗克清, 高山, 2016. MC-ICP-MS准确测定地质样品中锂同位素组成. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 35(3): 458-464.


Liu Y.S., He D., Gao C.G., Foley S., Gao S., Hu Z.C., Zong K.Q., Chen H.H., 2015. First direct evidence of sedimentary carbonate recycling in subduction-related xenoliths. Scientific Reports, 5: 11547.

*Lin J., Liu Y., Chen H., Zhou L., Hu Z., Gao S., 2015. Review of High-Precision Sr Isotope Analyses of Low-Sr Geological Samples. Journal of Earth Science, 26(5): 763-774.

Xu L., Hu Z., Zhang W., Yang L., Liu Y., Gao S., Luo T., Hu S., 2015. In situ Nd isotope analyses in geological materials with signal enhancement and non-linear mass dependent fractionation reduction using laser ablation MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 30(1): 232-244.

Dey S., Nandy J., Choudhary A.K., Liu Y., Zong K., 2015. Neoarchaean crustal growth by combined arc–plume action: evidence from the Kadiri Greenstone Belt, eastern Dharwar craton, India. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 389(1): 135-163.


*Zou D.-Y., Liu Y.-S., Hu Z.-C., Gao S., Zong K.-Q., Xu R., Deng L., He D.-T., Gao C.-G., 2014. Pyroxenite and peridotite xenoliths from Hexigten, Inner Mongolia: Insights into the Paleo-Asian Ocean subduction-related melt/fluid-peridotite interaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 140: 435–454.

Dey S., Nandy J., Choudhary A.K., Liu Y.S., Zong K.Q., 2014. Origin and evolution of granitoids associated with the Kadiri greenstone belt, eastern Dharwar craton: A history of orogenic to anorogenic magmatism. Precambrian Research, 246: 64-90.

Guo J.L., Gao S., Wu Y.B., Li M., Chen K., Hu Z.C., Liang Z.W., Liu Y.S., Zhou L., Zong K.Q., Zhang W., Chen H.H., 2014a. 3.45 Ga granitic gneisses from the Yangtze Craton, South China: Implications for Early Archean crustal growth. Precambrian Research, 242: 82-95.

Guo J.-L., Gao S., Wu Y.-B., Hu Z.-C., Xu W.-L., Zong K.-Q., Liu Y.-S., Yuan H.-L., 2014b. Titanite evidence for Triassic thickened lower crust along southeastern margin of North China Craton. Lithos, 206–207(0): 277-288.

Lin L., Hu Z.-C., Yang L., Zhang W., Liu Y.-S., Gao S., Hu S.-H., 2014. Determination of boron isotope compositions of geological materials by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS using newly designed high sensitivity skimmer and sample cones. Chemical Geology, 386(0): 22-30.

Liu S., Hu Z., Guenther D., Ye Y., Liu Y., Gao S., Hu S., 2014. Signal enhancement in laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry using water and/or ethanol vapor in combination with a shielded torch. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 29(3): 536-544.

Zhang J.-B., Ling W.-L., Liu Y.-S., Duan R.-C., Gao S., Wu Y.-B., Yang H.-M., Qiu X.-F., Zhang Y.-Q., 2014. Episodic Mesozoic thickening and reworking of the North China Archean lower crust correlated to the fast-spreading Pacific plate. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 80(0): 63-74.


Liu Y.S., Hu Z.C., Li M., Gao S., 2013. Applications of LA-ICP-MS in the elemental analyses of geological samples. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(32): 3863-3878.

*Xu R., Liu Y.S., Tong X.R., Hu Z.C., Zong K.Q., Gao S., 2013. In-situ trace elements and Li and Sr isotopes in peridotite xenoliths from Kuandian, North China Craton: Insights into Pacific slab subduction-related mantle modification. Chemical Geology, 354(0): 107-123.

*He D.T., Liu Y.S., Tong X.R., Zong K.Q., Hu Z.C., Gao S., 2013. Multiple exsolutions in a rare clinopyroxene megacryst from the Hannuoba basalt, North China: Implications for subducted slab-related crustal thickening and recycling. Lithos, 177(0): 136-147.

Zong K.Q., Liu Y.S., Zhang Z.M., He Z.Y., Hu Z.C., Guo J.L., Chen K., 2013. The generation and evolution of Archean continental crust in the Dunhuang block, northeastern Tarim craton, northwestern China. Precambrian Research, 235: 251-263.

*Zhu L.Y., Liu Y.S., Hu Z.C., Hu Q.H., Deng L.X., Gao S., 2013. Simultaneous analysis of major and trace elements in fused volcanic rock powders by using a hermetic vessel heater and LA-ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 37(2): 207–229.

Hu Z.C., Zhang W., Liu Y.S., Chen H.H., Gaschnig R.M., Zong K.Q., Li M., Gao S., Hu S.H., 2013. Rapid bulk rock decomposition by ammonium fluoride (NH4F) in open vessels at an elevated digestion temperature. Chemical Geology, 355: 144-152.

*徐荣, 刘勇胜, 宗克清, 邹东雅, 邓黎旭, 童喜润, 胡兆初, 高山, 2013. 宽甸橄榄岩包体微区地球化学特征及其岩石圈地幔演化. 岩石矿物学杂志, 32(5): 613-636.


Liu Y.S., Wang X.H., Wang D.B., He D.T., Zong K.Q., Gao C.G., Hu Z.C., Gong H.J., 2012. Triassic high-Mg adakitic andesites from Linxi, Inner Mongolia: Insights into the fate of the Paleo-Asian ocean crust and fossil slab-derived melt–peridotite interaction. Chemical Geology, 328(0): 89-108.

Hu Z.-C., Liu Y.-S., Gao S., Liu W.-G., Zhang W., Tong X.-R., Lin L., Zong K.-Q., Li M., Chen H.-H., Zhou L., Yang L., 2012a. Improved in situ Hf isotope ratio analysis of zircon using newly designed X skimmer cone and jet sample cone in combination with the addition of nitrogen by laser ablation multiple collector ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 27(9): 1391-1399.

Hu Z.C., Liu Y.S., Gao S., Xiao S.Q., Zhao L.S., Günther D., Li M., Zhang W., Zong K.Q., 2012b. A “wire” signal smoothing device for laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 78(0): 50-57.

Zhang W., Hu Z.-C., Liu Y.-S., Chen H.-H., Gao S., Gaschnig R.M., 2012a. Total Rock Dissolution Using Ammonium Bifluoride (NH4HF2) in Screw-Top Teflon Vials: A New Development in Open-Vessel Digestion. Analytical Chemistry, 84(24): 10686-10693.

Zhang W., Hu Z.-C., Liu Y.-S., Chen L., Chen H.-H., Li M., Zhao L.-S., Hu S.-H., Gao S., 2012b. Reassessment of HF/HNO3 decomposition capability in the high-pressure digestion of felsic rocks for multi-element determination by ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 36(3): 271-289.

Zong K.Q., Zhang Z.M., He Z.Y., Hu Z.C., Santosh M., Liu Y.S., Wang W., 2012. Early Palaeozoic high-pressure granulites from the Dunhuang block, northeastern Tarim Craton: constraints on continental collision in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 30(8): 753-768.


*Chen L., Liu Y.S., Hu Z.C., Gao S., Zong K.Q., Chen H.H., 2011. Accurate determinations of fifty-four major and trace elements in carbonate by LA-ICP-MS using normalization strategy of bulk components as 100%. Chemical Geology, 284(3-4): 283-295.

Hu M.-Y., Fan X.-T., Stoll B., Kuzmin D., Liu Y., Liu Y.-S., Sun W.-D., Wang G., Zhan X.-C., Jochum K.P., 2011a. Preliminary characterisation of new reference materials for microanalysis: Chinese geological standard glasses CGSG-1, CGSG-2, CGSG-4 and CGSG-5. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 35(2): 235-251.

Hu Z.C., Liu Y.S., Chen L., Zhou L.A., Li M., Zong K.Q., Zhu L.Y., Gao S., 2011b. Contrasting matrix induced elemental fractionation in NIST SRM and rock glasses during laser ablation ICP-MS analysis at high spatial resolution. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 26(2): 425-430.

Li M., Hu Z., Gao S., Liu Y., 2011. Direct Quantitative Determination of Trace Elements in Fine-Grained Whole Rocks by Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 35(1): 7-22.

*Zong K.Q., Liu Y.S., Gao C.G., Hu Z.C., Gao S., 2011. Garnet-spinel-corundum-quartz-bearing titanohematite veins in eclogite from the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane: Imprint of a short-lived, high-temperature metamorphic stage. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42: 704–714.

Chen K., Gao S., Wu Y.-B., Guo J.-L., Hu Z.-C., Liu Y.-S., Zong K.-Q., Liang Z.-W., Geng X.-L., 2013. 2.6–2.7Ga crustal growth in Yangtze craton, South China. Precambrian Research, 224: 472-490.

*朱律运, 刘勇胜, 胡兆初, 高山, 王晓红, 田滔, 2011. 玄武岩全岩元素含量快速、准确分析新技术:双铱带高温炉与LA-ICP-MS联用法. 地球化学, 40(5): 407-417.

*张春来, 刘勇胜, 高山, ZAJACZ Z., 胡兆初, 高长贵, 2011. 四合屯玄武岩斑晶中单个熔体包裹体元素组成及其对岩浆演化的指示. 地球化学, 40(2): 109-125.


Liu Y.S., Gao S., Gao C.G., Zong K.Q., Hu Z.C., Ling W.L., 2010a. Garnet-rich granulite xenoliths from the Hannuoba basalts, North China: Petrogenesis and implications for the Mesozoic crust-mantle interaction. Journal of Earth Science, 21(5): 669-691.

Liu Y.S., Gao S., Hu Z.C., Gao C.G., Zong K.Q., Wang D.B., 2010b. Continental and oceanic crust recycling-induced melt-peridotite interactions in the Trans-North China Orogen: U-Pb dating, Hf isotopes and trace elements in zircons of mantle xenoliths. Journal of Petrology, 51(1&2): 537-571.

Liu Y.S., Hu Z.C., Zong K.Q., Gao C.G., Gao S., Xu J., Chen H.H., 2010c. Reappraisement and refinement of zircon U-Pb isotope and trace element analyses by LA-ICP-MS. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(15): 1535-1546.

Hu Z.C., Gao S., Liu Y.S., Hu S.H., Zhao L.S., Li Y.X., Wang Q., 2010. NH4F assisted high pressure digestion of geological samples for multi-element analysis by ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25(3): 408-413.

Gao C.G., Liu Y.S., Zong K.Q., Hu Z.C., Gao S., 2010. Microgeochemistry of rutile and zircon in eclogites from the CCSD main hole: Implications for the fluid activity and thermo-history of the UHP metamorphism. Lithos, 115(1-4): 51-64.

*Zong K.Q., Liu Y.S., Gao C.Q., Hu Z.C., Gao S., Gong H.J., 2010a. In situ U-Pb dating and trace element analysis of zircons in thin sections of eclogite: Refining constraints on the ultra high-pressure metamorphism of the Sulu terrane, China. Chemical Geology, 269(3-4): 237-251.

*Zong K.Q., Liu Y.S., Hu Z.C., Kusky T., Wang D.B., Gao C.G., Gao S., Wang J.Q., 2010b. Melting-induced fluid flow during exhumation of gneisses of the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane. Lithos, 120: 490-510.

Li J.-W., Deng X.-D., Zhou M.-F., Liu Y.-S., Zhao X.-F., Guo J.-L., 2010. Laser ablation ICP-MS titanite U-Th-Pb dating of hydrothermal ore deposits: A case study of the Tonglushan Cu-Fe-Au skarn deposit, SE Hubei Province, China. Chemical Geology, 270(1-4): 56-67.

梁婷, 胡兆初, 刘勇胜, 史玉芳, 宗克清, 陈海红, 胡圣虹, 2010. 激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱无内标定量分析钢铁样品. 冶金分析, 30(4): 1-8.


Gao S., Zhang J.F., Xu W.L., Liu Y.S., 2009. Delamination and destruction of the North China Craton. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(19): 3367-3378.

Hu Z.C., Liu Y.S., Li M., Gao S., Zhao L.S., 2009. Results for rarely determined elements in MPI-DING, USGS and NIST SRM glasses using laser ablation ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 33(3): 319-335.

*童春临, 刘勇胜, 胡圣虹, 胡兆初, 陈海红, 2009. ICP-MS 分析样品制备过程中TaNb 等元素的特殊地球化学行为. 地球化学, 38(1): 43-52.


Liu Y.S., Gao S., Kelemen P.B., Xu W.L., 2008a. Recycled crust controls contrasting source compositions of Mesozoic and Cenozoic basalts in the North China Craton. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(9): 2349-2376.

Liu Y.S., Hu Z.C., Gao S., Güther D., Xu J., Gao C.G., Chen H.H., 2008b. In situ analysis of major and trace elements of anhydrous minerals by LA-ICP-MS without applying an internal standard. Chemical Geology, 257(1-2): 34-43.

Liu Y.S., Zong K.Q., Kelemen P.B., Gao S., 2008c. Geochemistry and magmatic history of eclogites and ultramafic rocks from the Chinese continental scientific drill hole: Subduction and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism of lower crustal cumulates. Chemical Geology, 247(1-2): 133-153.

Hu Z.C., Gao S., Liu Y.S., Chen H.H., Hu S.H., 2008a. Accurate determination of rare earth elements in USGS, NIST SRM, and MPI-DING glasses by excimer LA-ICP-MS at high spatial resolution. Spectroscopy Letters, 41(5): 228-236.

Hu Z.C., Gao S., Liu Y.S., Hu S.H., Chen H.H., Yuan H.L., 2008b. Signal enhancement in laser ablation ICP-MS by addition of nitrogen in the central channel gas. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 23: 1093–1101.

Hu Z.C., Gao S., Liu Y.S., Xu J., Hu S.H., Chen H.H., 2008c. Niobium and Tantalum Concentrations in NIST SRM 610 Revisited. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 32(3): 347-360.

Hu Z.C., Liu Y.S., Gao S., Hu S.H., Dietikerc R., Günther D., 2008d. A local aerosol extraction strategy for the determination of the aerosol composition in laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 23: 1192–1203.

Gao S., Rudnick R.L., Xu W.-L., Yuan H.-L., Liu Y.-S., Walker R.J., Puchtel I.S., Liu X., Huang H., Wang X.-R., Yang J., 2008. Recycling deep cratonic lithosphere and generation of intraplate magmatism in the North China Craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 270(1-2): 41-53.

Liu Q.S., Liu Y.S., Gao S., Yang T., Luo Y.H., Jin Z.M., 2008d. Magnetic study of mafic granulite xenoliths from the Hannuoba basalt, north China. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 9.

Teng F.Z., Rudnick R.L., McDonough W.F., Gao S., Tomascak P.B., Liu Y.S., 2008. Lithium isotopic composition and concentration of the deep continental crust. Chemical Geology, 255(1-2): 47-59.

*高长贵, 刘勇胜, 宗克清, 陈海红, 胡兆初, 2008. 超高压榴辉岩金红石中高场强元素变化的控制因素及其地球动力学意义. 地球科学———中国地质大学学报, 33(4): 487-503.

徐娟, 胡兆初, 刘勇胜, 胡圣虹, 袁洪林, 高山, 2008. 膜去溶-ICP-MS测定21个国际地质标样中的Ag. 分析化学, 36: 1493-1498.


Liu Y.S., Hu Z.C., Yuan H.L., Hu S.H., Cheng H.H., 2007. Volume-optional and low-memory (VOLM) chamber for laser ablation-ICP-MS: application to the analyses of fiber. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 22: 582-585.

Jiang N., Liu Y., Zhou W., Yang J., Zhang S., 2007. Derivation of Mesozoic adakitic magmas from ancient lower crust in the North China craton. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(10): 2591-2608.

Yuan H., Gao S., Rudnick R.L., Jin Z., Liu Y., Puchtel I.S., Walker R.J., Yu R., 2007. Re-Os evidence for the age and origin of peridotites from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt, China. Chemical Geology, 236(3-4): 323-338.

Chavagnac V., Milton J.A., Green D.R.H., Breuer J., Bruguier O., Jacob D.E., Jong T., Kamenov G.D., Le Huray J., Liu Y., Palmer M.R., Pourtales S., Roduhskin I., Soldati A., Trueman C.N., Yuan H., 2007. Towards the development of a fossil bone geochemical standard: An inter-laboratory study. Analytica Chimica Acta, 599(2): 177-190.

刘勇胜, 高山, 2007. 华北地区中生代玄武岩高Nb/Ta比值对地壳岩石再循环的直接记录. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 26(1)(1): 19-28.

*张斌辉, 刘勇胜, 高山, 2007. 中国东部新生代玄武岩高Fe/Mn比值的成因意义. 中国科学, 37(11): 1456-1466.

*宗克清, 刘勇胜, 高长贵, 袁洪林, 陈海红, 2007. CCSD主孔榴辉岩中磷灰石微区微量元素和Sr同位素组成研究. 岩石学报, 23(12): 3267-3274.


Wang X.C., Liu Y.S., Liu X.M., 2006. Mesozoic adakites in the Lingqiu Basin of the central North China Craton: Partial melting of underplated basaltic lower crust. Geochemical Journal, 40: 447-461.

Xu W.L., Gao S., Wang Q.H., Wang D.Y., Liu Y.S., 2006. Mesozoic crustal thickening of the eastern North China craton: Evidence from eclogite xenoliths and petrologic implications. Geology, 34(9): 721-724.

*宗克清, 刘勇胜, 柳小明, 张斌辉, 2006a. CCSD主孔100-1100m榴辉岩中单矿物的LA-ICP-MS分析研究. 岩石学报(7).

*宗克清, 刘勇胜, 柳小明, 张斌辉, 2006b. CCSD榴辉岩折返过程中短时增温作用的微量元素记录. 科学通报, 51(22): 2673-2684.

*张斌辉, 刘勇胜, 宗克清, 高山, 2006. 榴辉岩退变质过程中的微量元素地球化学行为: CCSD主孔退变质榴辉岩的研究. 岩石学报, 22(7): 1833-1844.


Liu Y.S., Gao S., Lee C.-T.A., Hu S.H., Liu X.M., Yuan H.L., 2005. Melt-peridotite interactions: Links between garnet pyroxenite and high-Mg# signature of continental crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 234(1-2): 39-57.

Hu Z.C., Gao S., Hu S.H., Yuan H.L., Liua X.M., Liu Y.S., 2005. Suppression of interferences for direct determination of arsenic in geological samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 20(11): 1263-1269.

刘勇胜, 张泽明, Lee C.T., 高山, 宗克清, 2005. CCSD主孔高Ti榴辉岩非耦合的高Ti, Nb(Zr) 特征: 对玄武质岩浆房中磁体矿分离结晶作用的指示. 岩石学报, 21(2): 339-346.

*宗克清, 刘勇胜, 高山, 袁洪林, 柳小明, 王选策, 2005. 汉诺坝辉石岩包体中单斜辉石的微区微量元素组成特征及其地球动力学意义. 岩石学报, 21(3): 909-920.

刘庆生, 刘振东, 刘青松, 刘勇胜, 高山, 2005. 一个变泥质岩包体样品的系统热磁实验及其矿物学意义. 地球物理学报, 48(4): 876-881.

袁洪林, 柳小明, 刘勇胜, 高山, 凌文黎, 2005. 北京西山晚中生代火山岩U-Pb锆石年代学及地球化学研究. 中国科学 (D), 35(9): 821-836.


Liu Y.S., Gao S., Yuan H.L., Zhou L., Liu X.M., Wang X.C., Hu Z.C., Wang L.S., 2004. U-Pb zircon ages and Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopes of lower crustal xenoliths from North China Craton: insights on evolution of lower continental crust. Chemical Geology, 211(1-2): 87-109.

Gao S., Rudnick R.L., Yuan H.L., Liu X.M., Liu Y.S., Xu W.L., Ling W.L., Ayers J., Wang X.C., Wang Q.H., 2004. Recycling lower continental crust in the North China craton. Nature, 432: 892-897.

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刘勇胜, 高山, 柳晓明, 袁洪林, 周炼, 2004b. 汉诺坝大麻坪低中性麻粒岩包体单颗粒锆石U-Pb年代学研究. 地球化学, 33(3): 261-268.

刘勇胜, 高山, 王选策, 胡圣虹, 王建其, 2004c. 太古宙-元古宙界限基性火山岩Nb/Ta比值变化及其对地球Nb/Ta平衡的指示意义. 中国科学, 34(11): 1002-1014.


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刘勇胜, 高山, 柳小明, 陈小明, 张文兰, 王选策, 2003a. 汉诺坝下地壳-上地幔包体的岩石圈热动力学记录. 科学通报, 48(14): 1575-1581.

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王选策, 高山, 刘勇胜, 2003. 杨子克拉通太古宙碎屑沉积岩地球化学及其构造意义. 地球科学, 28(3): 250-254.

胡兆初, 胡圣虹, 刘勇胜, 林守麟, 2003. 醋酸基体浓度变化对元素ICP - MS 行为的影响. 化学研究与应用, 15(1): 64-66.

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刘勇胜, 高山, 周炼, 张利, 金淑燕, 2001. 汉诺坝长英质麻粒岩包体同位素年代学及其地球动力学意义. 地球化学, 30(1): 51-56.

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