

姓 名:赵军红


湖北省武汉市鲁磨路,中国地质大学,best365英国体育在线岩石矿物学系,邮编 430074

电子信箱 : jhzhao@cug.edu.cn

电 话 : 027-67884250 (O)


华南壳幔演化; 岩浆岩岩石学和地球化学






1.教育与工作经历l 1995/09-2004/06,中国地质大学(武汉)地质矿产勘查学士学位。

l 1999/07-2004/07,中国科学院地球化学研究所,地球化学博士学位。

l 2004/12-2007/12,香港大学,地质学博士学位。

l 2008/12-现在,中国地质大学(武汉)best365英国体育在线。

l 2013/12-2014/12,加州理工学院,访问学者。


l 2011年中国地质学会第十三届青年地质科技奖—银锤奖。

l 2012年中国地质大学(武汉)十大杰出青年。

l 2014年第15届侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖。


l 2014-2017,国家自然科学基金《南秦岭武当群火山-沉积岩地球化学及地质意义》(No. 41373016)

l 2011-2013,国家自然科学基金《南秦岭新元古代基性-超基性脉岩的矿物和铂族元素研究》(No. 40502001)

l 2009-2011,国家自然科学基金《扬子西北缘新元古代汉南酸性杂岩岩石成因及地球动力学意义》(No. 40873027)

l 2011-2013,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”

l 2012-2014,霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师基金

4. 代表性论文


l Zhao JH, Asimow, P.,2014. Neoproterozoic boninite-series rocks in South China: a depleted mantle source modified by sediment-derived melt. Chemical Geology, 388, 98-111.

lWang, W., Zhao JH*, Zhou MF, Yang, S.H., Chen, F.K., 2014. Neoproterozoic mafic-ultramafic intrusions from the Fanjingshan region, South China: Implications for subduction-related magmatism in the Jiangnan Fold Belt. Journal of Geology, 122, 455-473.


l Zhao JH, Zhou M-F, Zheng JP, 2013. Constraints from zircon U-Pb ages, O and Hf isotopic compositions on the origin of Neoproterozoic peraluminous granitoids from the Jiangnan Fold Belt,South China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 166, 1505-1519.

l Zhao JH, Zhou M-F, Zheng JP,GriffinW., 2013. Neoproterozoic tonalite and trondhjemite in the Huangling complex,South China: Crustal growth and reworking in a continental arc environment. American Journal of Science 313, 540-583.

l Zhao JH, Zhou M-F, Zheng J-P, 2013. Neoproterozoic high-K granites produced by melting of newly formed mafic crust in the Huangling region,South China. Precambrian Research 233, 93-107.

l Zhao JH, Zhou M-F, 2013. Neoproterozoic high-Mg basalts formed by melting of ambient mantle inSouth China. Precambrian Research 233, 193-205.

l Liu Z-R,Zhao JH﹡, 2013.Mineralogical constraints on the origin of Neoproterozoic felsic intrusions, NW margin of the Yangtze Block, South China. International Geology Review 55, 590-607.


l Zhao JH,Zhou MF, Yan DP, Zheng JP, Li JW, 2011. Reappraisal of the ages of Neoproterozoic strata inSouth China: No connection with the Grenvillian orogeny. Geology, 39, 299-302.


l Zhao JH,Zhou MF, Zheng JP, 2010. Metasomatic mantle source and crustal contamination for the formation of the Neoproterozoic mafic dike swarm in the northernYangtze Block,SouthChina. Lithos, 115, 177-189.

l Zhao JH,Zhou MF, Zheng JP, Fang SM, 2010. Neoproterozoic crustal growth and reworking of the Northwestern Yangtze Block: Constraints from the Xixiang dioritic intrusion,South China. Lithos, 120, 439-452.


l Zhao JH,Zhou MF, 2009. Secular evolution of the Neoproterozoic lithospheric mantle underneath the northern margin of the Yangtze Block,South China. Lithos, 107, 152-168.

l Zhao JH,Zhou MF, 2009. Melting of Newly Formed Mafic Crust for the Formation of Neoproterozoic I-Type Granite in the Hannan Region,South China. Journal of Geology, 117, 54-70.

l Zhou MF,Zhao JH,Jiang CY, et al., 2009. OIB-like, heterogeneous mantle sources of Permian basaltic magmatism in the westernTarimBasin, NW China: Implications for a possible Permian large igneous province. Lithos, 113, 583-594.

l Sun WH, Zhou MF, Gao JF, Yang YH, Zhao XF,Zhao JH,2009.Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological and Lu-Hf isotopic constraints on the Precambrian magmatic and crustal evolution of the western Yangtze Block, SW China. Precambrian Research, 172, 99-126.


l Zhao JH, Zhou MF, 2008. Neoproterozoic adakitic plutons in the northern margin of the YangtzeBlock,China: Partial melting of a thickened lower crust and implications for secular crustal evolution. Lithos, 104, 231-248.

l Zhao JH, Zhou MF, Yan DP, et al. 2008. Zircon Lu-Hf isotopic constraints on Neoproterozoic subduction-related crustal growth along the western margin of the Yangtze Block,South China. Precambrian Research, 163, 189-209.

l Zhao TP, Zhou MF,Zhao JH, et al., 2008. Geochronology and geochemistry of the c. 80 Ma Rutog granitic pluton, northwesternTibet: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Lhasa Terrane. Geological Magazine, 145, 845-857.


l Zhao JH, Hu RZ, Zhou MF, et al. 2007. Elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic geochemistry of Mesozoic mafic intrusions in southernFujianprovince,SE China: implications for lithospheric mantle evolution. Geological Magazine, 144, 6, 937-952.

l Zhao JH,Zhou MF, 2007. Neoproterozoic adakitic plutons and arc magmatism along the western margin of the Yangtze Block,South China. Journal of Geology, 115, 6, 675-689.

l Zhao JH,Zhou MF, 2007. Geochemistry of Neoproterozoic mafic intrusions in the Panzhihua district (SichuanProvince,SW China): Implications for subduction-related metasomatism in the upper mantle. Precambrian Research, 152, 27-47.

l Sun WH, Zhou MF,Zhao JH, 2007. Geochemistry and tectonic significance of basaltic lavas in the Neoproterozoic Yanhian Group, Southern Sichuan Province,Southwest China. International Geology Review, 49, 554-571.

l Zhou MF,Zhao JH, Xia X, et al., 2007. Comment on "Revisiting the "Yanbian Terrane": Implications for Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the westernYangtze Block,SouthChina" - [Precambrian Res. 151 (2006) 14-30]. Precambrian Research, 155, 313-317.


l Zhou MF,Zhao JH, Qi L, et al., 2006. Zircon U-Pb geochronology and elemental and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of Permian mafic rocks in the Funing area,SW China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 151, 1-19.

l Zhou MF, Ma YX, Yan DP, Xia XP,Zhao JH,Sun M, 2006. The Yanbian terrane (Southern Sichuan Province,SW China): A neoproterozoic are assemblage in the western margin of the Yangtze block. Precambrian Research, 144, 19-38.


l Zhao JH, Hu RZ, Liu S, 2004. Geochemistry, petrogenesis, and tectonic significance of Mesozoic mafic dikes,FujianProvince,Southeastern China. International Geology Review, 46, 542-557.

l Liu S, Hu RZ,Zhao JH, et al. 2004.K-Ar geochronology of mesozoic mafic dikes in Shandong Province, eastern China: Implications for crustal extension. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 78, 1207-1213.